Three days after Theresa May’s political suicide, conservatives have regrouped. For the good of the country, they say, meaning for the good of the party. And for the “good of the country” they decided to not cut the cord and keep the premier on life support using extraordinary measures for as long as possible. The interests? Keeping the risk of a new election round at bay that, they fear, could bring Jeremy Corbyn and the labour group to power. Already returning to maneuvers for succession, Boris Johnson and others tighten the rope around May’s simulacrum, which they will carry in procession to Brussels for the inaugural Brexit negotiation rites. Within a few days the negotiations with the 10 DUP parliament members from Northern Ireland will be concluded to shore up the majority and present the May encore to the confidence of Parliament. Then it will be navigation by sight that will last as long as May’s simulacrum lasts. The agreement with the DUP risks upsetting the delicate balance of peace in Northern Ireland, where the counterpart Sinn Fein (ex IRA republicans) averted that if the London government abandons neutrality, “everything will end in tears.” Additional elections and especially pressure from the economic world faced with reality on a daily basis will do the rest. Navigating blind, fingers crossed…

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