Chinese Illusions of a BIT with the USA

Pork has been an unlikely subject of intense debate in the media lately.  What could appear to be a…

China in the USA’s backyard

It is very early to assess the changes introduced by China’s new leadership, but the perception is that the…

From Malaysia's Uncertainty To Asia-Pacific's Uncertainty. Between China And The Usa

Whether it is a ‘tiger’ or a ‘tiger cub’ economy, it does not really matter: Malaysia is a key…

Our Friend, The Bear

China’s forthcoming president, Mr Xi Jinping, has announced his first official visit will be in Moscow, sometime before attending…

China's Ride To The Top Is Not A Done Deal

It was the world’s second Superpower. In just 30 years its national income had grown faster than ever before…

India Sailing Between Iran And USA

 “We look to the government of Pakistan to do more…It needs to make sure that its…

Knocking At America’s Back Door: Chinese Investment In The Caribbean

BRICS nations have been calling for a reform of the international monetary system in recent weeks, even proposing a…

Becoming “Glocal” to Emerge from the Current Crisis

After 15 years of strenuous negotiations, on December 11th 2001, China was included into the World Trade Organization (WTO)….

The Long Road to Consumption

Consumption does not break records as expected; it does grow, but reluctantly. The country looks hesitant to push its…

In Pakistan too, Radiations Know no Boundary — Prof. Romeo Orlandi, President, Osservatorio Asia SC

News from Pakistan is seldom bright. Natural disasters, war, border tensions prevail on economic growth, infrastructure construction, poverty alleviation….