
To what extent it makes sense opposing China MES status??

Unfortunately he damage is done, we will never be able to rebuild the manufacturing capacity and…

Against the Trans Pacific Pact (TPP) and why the next US President will probably amend it or reject it

Damage to U.S. manufacturing as a result of TPP will come from Japan. The U.S….

The myth of the Chinese tourist who boosts the economy

Let’s be honest, what is the first thing that comes up in our minds when we think…

The Chinese Stock Market And Economic Stimulus

If the predictions of a Chinese slowdown are undisputed, those of an analogous trend in the stock markets –…

A Tale of Obsolesence and Exclusivity

In spite of a mildly obsessive time during childhood in which I read tens, maybe hundreds, of spy novels,…

Why Chinese Enterprises Prefer Investing In Germany

According to the latest statistics released by Germany Trade & Invest, in 2011 China became Germany’s largest investor, surpassing…

Better China, Better Life, And A Little Bit More Pink, Too

Consulting the latest official data regarding the economic situation in China (ref. august 2012) published few days ago, there…

Merkel Dances Alone In Beijing

Beijing finds itself much more at ease with Berlin than it does with Brussels. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent…

Mandarin Capital Nears First Close of EUR1B Fund

Mandarin Capital Partners , the Sino-European cross-border private equity fund, is close to a 500 million…

Post-Feudal Escapism

One of my earliest jobs in the wonderful world of ICT involved working for what was quickly becoming a…