
Le anime della Cina in declino. Aziende zombie e giganti del web.

Alcuni stralci dell’articolo: “L’industria pesante sta cadendo a pezzi, con acciaierie,miniere di carbone, cementifici,…

The Soviet-ization Of The Chinese Economy – Part 2 of 5

In the Soviet Union, the theoretical battle had been won by the “voluntarists” against the “determinists.” The former (led…

The Sixth Green Star on the Chinese Flag

Ever since July 1949, when it was designed by Zeng Liangsong, from the city of Ruian in Zhejiang province,…

Buying Time From North Korea

China may kill North Korea, but may not control the outcomes of the death. The country’s lifeline passes through…

Wealth and Inequality

Recent demonstrations in Chinese factories have made the headlines as a result of new kind of economic issues the…

Betting on the Route to Prosperity

China is undergoing yet another big phenomenon, sometimes both economic and grotesque. National lotteries have not only successfully…