
La favola del consumatore cinese che fa girare l’economia

Siamo onesti, qual è la prima cosa che ci viene in mente quando pensiamo alla Cina e ai loro cittadini? Esatto, proprio…

Macchè copioni, i cinesi comprano le nostre aziende

Alcuni stralci dell’articolo: Il vero problema, però, è che il nostro destino non sembra essere…

Borse, peggior avvio da vent'anni

“Sarà un anno duro e non si è ancora toccato il fondo” prevede Alberto Forchielli, fondatore del fondo d’ìnvestimento…

China Avoiding Import Duties By Producing In Africa

In a typical case of unexpected results, the Africa Grown and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is turning out to be…

Recent Economic Development of Japan

The global financial crisis of 2007/08 has led to generally weak performance indicators of the Japanese economy. While Japan…

Merkel Dances Alone In Beijing

Beijing finds itself much more at ease with Berlin than it does with Brussels. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent…

China Gains Concessions, But With Uncertain Partners

Following the threat of sanctions by the United States, Iranian oil exports fell this year from 2.5 million barrels…

What Does Europe Plan On Doing About Greece? China Would Like To Know

When watching events around the world these days, it is easy to understand the impact of globalization. An elementary…

Game of Chicken

China, the second largest economy of the world known as a notorious export powerhouse, has witnessed an impressive growth…

Citizens and Consumers, Good News for the World

If China pushes for internal consumption, repercussions will be extended to the entire world. The Dragon’s trade surplus has…