
Chinese Real Estate Sector: Bubble or Fundamental Value?

by Alberto Forchielli e Alberto Pagliarini* Many people have written about the risk of a real estate bubble in China…

Sea Routes and Security for China's Growth

Besides the usual controversies regarding the revaluation of yuan, additional disputes could lead to friction between the United States…

Reasons Behind Closing Factories

In a perfect globalized circuit, if you switch on your air conditioning in Beijing, you might cause the closure…

Pride and Cost for Chinese Railways

China is once again starting to build Californian railways. 150 years after the 19th century gold rush, Beijing’s evolution…

China's Oil Thirst Strengthens Ties with Middle East

China’s statistics regarding energy related necessities are full of meaning and symbolism. Surprisingly, in 2009 Saudi Arabia exported more…

Building A Real Rich Country

Yesterday’s poor might start resenting who steal their future, even without regretting the poverty of the past China is less…

Food? Or No Food?

China imports of food is growing-not too bad news for China as long as the process is balanced and…

Yuan in New York

You should not “think the unthinkable” to understand the negotiability of the Renmimbi in New York. Since this week,…