China in the USA’s backyard

It is very early to assess the changes introduced by China’s new leadership, but the perception is that the…

BRICS and Their Parallel Monetary Fund

It would be wise to contemplate the reasons why a simple acronym was transformed into an organization as an…


Acronyms can have a life of their own; they multiply, and draw inspiration from the animal world. The “BRIC”…

After the BRICS, is now time for the MIKT?

After ‘launching’ the BRICS (2003), in 2011 Jim O’Neill pulled out of the hat the MIKT countries, sometimes also…

BRICS: Five Countries With A Common Goal For Growth

Rarely has an acronym like BRICS become so popular. There are others – like CIVETS and N. 11 –…

BRICS Don’t Know Where Athens Is

In Los Cabos, on the tip of Baja California, Greece is a faraway land in every sense of the…

Knocking At America’s Back Door: Chinese Investment In The Caribbean

BRICS nations have been calling for a reform of the international monetary system in recent weeks, even proposing a…

BRICS: All Bark And No Bite

Although the BRICS countries are growing stronger, the image they cast following the meeting of representatives from Brazil, Russia,…

China and Brazil, A “South-South Axis”

China intends to reach every corner of the global village but Brazil is one of her most favorites destinations….

Growing with an inferiority complex

Last meeting of BRICS countries held in Sanya shed more light on the emerging countries’ weight in the international…