
“A Consuming Economy:” For What Purpose?

I have been back to China for about four weeks now and I haven’t written anything other than my…

Skills Today Means Sustainability Tomorrow

“Renato Cappucci has swapped the romantic town of Monza for a unit on the Carrs Industrial Estate in Haslingden….

Romano Prodi: The US-China Relationship Is In Danger If Romney Wins

 Globalization affecting the American elections and the CCP Congress?  “No country can manage the world’s problems alone.”   The integration of European…

Threshold – A Portal To The New World

It would be rare to find a traditional high wooden threshold in Chinese big cities now, but some can…

A Sky Far, Far Away!

Ou Yang and Ge Wen arrived in Beijing, this time not for Ou Yang’s travel business, but for their…

The Soviet-ization Of China – Part 3 of 5

The framework of the Chinese economic model was industrialization in forced steps. Before building up Socialism, the country needed…

The Start of A Journey

Autumn arrived with ripening crop, and the sun gliding away further north. Its rays were still bright but without…

The Olympic Economy And How It Could Change The World

2012 was the year of the Olympic games. After Beijing in 2008, London showed last August that it is…

The Soviet-ization Of The Chinese Economy – Part 1 of 5

The China that beat the Japanese and the nationalists is unable to adopt a development model of its own….

China’s Fashion And Luxury Market Reacts To The Crisis But Loses Its Grip On Worldwide Competition

The Chinese economy has awarded great advantages over the last ten years to companies producing fashion and luxury, enough…