
How respecting rules can lead to a better life

Individual freedom can only exist within the social context in which people live, and among the ways in which…

A Leadership Test For India’s Nationalist Modi

The two main Indian political parties are sharpening their swords in preparation for a showdown in 2014, when the…

Europe's Enterprise Zombielimpics

There’s this great comic strip of Dutch cartoonist Toon. During five frames a turtle slowly shuffles toward a tree…

Chinese Cities Are Getting More Expensive, But Foreigners Are No Longer The Richest

The cities in China are getting more expensive, while foreigners are less wealthy than before. Expatriate cost of living…

After The CCP Congress

The conclusions of the XVIII Congress of the Chinese Communist Party have disappointed those who were under the illusion…

Water treatment in China

Water treatment describes those processes which make water more acceptable for a specific end use. Depending on the requirements…

Flattening Mountains To Create Breathing Room

Land, like water, is ever more rare in China. Only 11% of China’s surface an be cultivated, and the…

A Great Mediation To Keep China United

When Xi Jinping entered the Great Hall of the People first in line of a small parade, all the…

Elizabeth Mackay

Part IV – 1  of The Hidden Seduction – Paradise Circus The mild light shone through the windows of their…

La Chinita and the Gracious Meritocracy

Last night, while I was listening to a piece of Salsa music on Youtube that my teacher David Zepeda…