International Politics & Relations

What Happened to the White Knight?

It would have been difficult to bet on China coming to the rescue of cash-strapped Europe. Nobody expected a…

Fostering development of SMEs

The World Bank report, “China 2030: Building a Modern, Hamonious and Creative High-Income Society”, which was released this week,…

The Year After Fukushima

One year after the disaster, Japan is still reeling, damaged, but vital and responding. The triple catastrophe – earthquake,…

Is China getting ready for a break-up of Eurozone?

In my previous pieces, I have argued that Euro zone is not only likely to break-up, but it is…

The future of the European Union: 27 minus 26!

A few days ago, the European Union signed a yet again new treaty aimed at guarantying better fiscal discipline…

The Race for Hong Kong Chief Executive is Heating Up

In the year 2000, the number of babies born in Hong Kong to Mainland Chinese parents was a mere…

Romano Prodi’s Address to the CPC on 13th February

Dear professors, students, friends, I gladly accepted your invitation to discuss an unusual topic for me. As you know, apart…

Something Dangerous In The Air

Turbulent markets are breeding turbulent skies. China has taken an unprecedented step by declaring that it will not comply…

Barack Obama and Xi Jin Ping: A New, Different Power

Chinese Vice President Xi Jin Ping traveled to the US amid personal memories and political ambitions. In addition to…

A Warm Welcome for Mario Monti

The Chinese press has given Mario Monti a generous welcome in the opening days of his leadership. Breaking from…