International Politics & Relations

Merkel Dances Alone In Beijing

Beijing finds itself much more at ease with Berlin than it does with Brussels. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent…

Picking Up The Pieces Of The Arab Spring

While waiting with baited breath for the conclusion of the tragic events in Syria, we have been too distracted…

China’s Post-Hu Summer Getaway

Chinese communist leaders often hold their informal meetings in Beidaihe, a touristic community 180km from Beijing on the Bohai…

An India-Japan Alliance Based On Fear Of The Dragon

It is hard to imagine two countries more different than India and Japan, without falling prey to cliché. They…

Can China Win The Battle For Respect?

The two recent economic scandals involving Chinese companies, Volkswagen-FAW and Nexen-CNOOC, confirm that statements made by Jeffrey Immelt, CEO…

Obama’s Chinese Heel

China has been a central argument of the American electoral campaign, adding a delicate and complex element to the…

China And The Vatican: A Sixty Year Fight Over Nominations

The mysterious case of the Chinese Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin is a reminder of the unresolved tension between China…

Pakistan Returns To Old Friends, But Internal Instability Remains

India just has to look across its northwestern border to see a mirror image of its instability. Pakistan is…

China Gains Concessions, But With Uncertain Partners

Following the threat of sanctions by the United States, Iranian oil exports fell this year from 2.5 million barrels…

India, Political Patron Of The Maldives

Besides being an exotic vacation destination, the Maldives is a country hardened by the nature of its size and…