International Politics & Relations

A Great Mediation To Keep China United

When Xi Jinping entered the Great Hall of the People first in line of a small parade, all the…

China’s New Leadership: Tested By Government

The spotlights of the XVIII CCP Congress were lit for the Party’s new leader, Xi Jinping. It was a…

India: 39% Of Foreign Investment Comes From Tiny Mauritius

For the first 11 years of the millennium, the Republic of Mauritius dominated foreign investment in India, contributing 39.5%…

A Dual Challenge For Gao Jian: President Of Mandarin II And Tenure At University Of Bologna

In 2008, when ex-Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin wrote an article for the University he frequented…

Romano Prodi: The US-China Relationship Is In Danger If Romney Wins

 Globalization affecting the American elections and the CCP Congress?  “No country can manage the world’s problems alone.”   The integration of European…

India: Praise From The US And IMF Despite Lowered Expectations

The United States and the IMF are applauding India’s recent reforms, just as India itself is revising its growth…

Helmut Kohl, The Pragmatic Dreamer

We are here today to celebrate a man who was able to combine dreams with fact. Helmut Kohl transformed…

The Cultural Divide

In the past, China has been difficult for Italian industry, but the worst is over now and in the…

Europe: A Common Policy For A Common Goal

When the financial crisis was exploding with maximum violence in the autumn of 2008, I found myself discussing with…

Cracks Showing In China’s Friendship With Pyongyang

There are cracks showing in the normally solid wall of friendship between China and North Korea. The unprecedented visibility…