
Two Systems, Same Fraud

If competition is fierce, one may experiment different solutions: price and cost reduction, wider distribution, more targeted advertising. But,…

Production and Productivity; Not Only Labour Force

Analysts consistently scrutinize China economy to predict whether the country can keep its growth pace. Their question is simple:…

Chasing Inflation

Inflation in China is not only an economic concern , but also a clear and present danger. More than in…

Gold Acts as Prozac

Uncertainty suggests caution, prudence, and gold. You need a shelter, when it rains or pours. To purchase currencies is risky,…

Old Liturgy for New Targets

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party drafted the 12th five-year plan. The document will…

Inversed Propaganda to Fight Corruption

Despite its success in handling the most recent financial crisis, China faces progressively an even greater challenge to its…

Chinese Real Estate Sector: Bubble or Fundamental Value?

by Alberto Forchielli e Alberto Pagliarini* Many people have written about the risk of a real estate bubble in China…

Green Economy: Reducing Gap with U.S.

China is determined to achieve the leadership in the current race for a Green Economy, a race in which…

Reasons Behind Closing Factories

In a perfect globalized circuit, if you switch on your air conditioning in Beijing, you might cause the closure…

Becoming Modern-China's Agricultural Development

Three simultaneous socio-economic shifts are defining the evolution of traditional Chinese agriculture, allowing it to emerge from the corner…