
Italian Road to China's Suntech Fraud Was Paved With Warnings

(Reuters) – A major lender to China’s Suntech Power Holdings, a solar panel maker which has been stung by…

The Injustice Of Yet Another Moody’s Downgrade

From the moment the economic crisis gained momentum, financial “rating” companies have been vying to have the most significant…

Shale Gas And Europe’s Dangerous Lack Of Common Energy Policy

The first thing that comes to mind when discussing energy is the rising price of crude oil and the…

Post-Feudal Escapism

One of my earliest jobs in the wonderful world of ICT involved working for what was quickly becoming a…

The continuous sunshine on the Chinese luxury market. But some shadows are now embracing its expanding borders.

China’s luxury market, even if during a period of general economic crisis like the current one, continues to be…

欧元区解体焉知非福 • Sacrifice the Euro to save the Union

In 1952, when the smokes of the Second World war had not settled yet, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium…

China: The Prophets Of High Labor Costs Miss The Mark

Unlike Cassandra, the prophets foretelling China’s downfall have been wrong so far. The numbers have failed to confirm the…

CHINA: the New Leadership Risks its Future on the Flip of a Coin

In the path towards the internationalization of the Renminbi,  there lies the risk of entering into a dead end…

The Renminbi Has Personality Issues

There are many explanations as to why the renminbi has yet to be accepted as an international currency. While…

Lowering Interest Rates May Not Be The Best Way To Stimulate The Economy

It is a general belief in economic circles that, when the economy slows down, one of the ways to…