
The Diaoyu Islands Dispute And The Future Of The Chinese Industrial Sectors

The territorial dispute over the Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan over the past few weeks has shown to…

Helmut Kohl, The Pragmatic Dreamer

We are here today to celebrate a man who was able to combine dreams with fact. Helmut Kohl transformed…

China: Doubts And Opportunity Following Bernanke’s Announcement

Just as China barged rudely in on the race for the White House, the actions of the US Federal…

The Chinese Way.The stakes for the world’s largest Chinese-European private equity fund, Mandarin Capital Partners, are climbing higher the more the Eurozone plunges deeper into economic crisis. After purchasing companies in Italy, co-founder Alberto Forchielli is now turning his attention to Germany

Alberto Forchielli is to splash two-thirds of 1 billion euros, made available by Mandarin Capital Partners private equity fund,…

Why Chinese Enterprises Prefer Investing In Germany

According to the latest statistics released by Germany Trade & Invest, in 2011 China became Germany’s largest investor, surpassing…

Europe: A Common Policy For A Common Goal

When the financial crisis was exploding with maximum violence in the autumn of 2008, I found myself discussing with…

Recent Economic Development of Japan

The global financial crisis of 2007/08 has led to generally weak performance indicators of the Japanese economy. While Japan…

China's Online Price War

China’s online shoppers are waking up to find their country’s leading online shops caught in one of the fiercest…

Is the future in T-bonds trading?

I. Introduction The intention of this short macroeconomic analysis is to discover whether the T-bonds trading will become a…

The Banality of Austerity

Day after day, people previously unknown enter my living room via television news and online newspapers, spelling out what…