
Urbanisation, GDP growth and Land Preservation: a new Impossible Trinity

Once again, for the 10th consecutive year, Chinese Government Document No1, focused on rural development. The document addresses most…

China’s Stock Market Woes, A Reflection Of Choices Made

Understanding the ways of the Chinese stock markets means facing an organism of unprecedented complexity. The Shenzen and Shanghai…

What Happened To Our Jobs?

The Technology Review has been debating for some time over the significance of manufacturing for the creating of jobs. The…

India’s Hunger For Rice Is Now Just A Memory

According to the FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, India became the world’s biggest rice exporter in…

The new bubble. After the real estate crisis of 2008, the creeping crisis of shipping finance.

In the autumn of 2012, when the German press reported that more than 250 closed-end funds that invest in…

India-EU Negotiations Nearing A Breakthrough

European envoys in Delhi over the past few days have had their sights set on an ambitious goal: closing…

China Outbound Investment: A Conquering Army Is Only As Strong As Its Supply Lines

In the aftermath of WWII, the corporations of a victorious America were largely untouched by the fighting. Among the…

End State-Owned Dominance Now

If Xi Jinping truly wants bold reform, he must allow private enterprise to drive China’s economic growth. In his push…

The Creative Finance Paradox

A credit reporting agency issued a warning on my company: in the previous financial year profits had gone down…

From Beijing To Milan, Dagong’s Challenge To “The Big Three” Credit Rating Agencies

Originally published in La Repubblica Affari e Finanza on 21 January 2013 The Chinese credit rating agency opens its first…