
Humanitarian Aid for Human Resource Management

Interestingly, it is a measure grown up in the gaming world that may help address one of a core…

A World Cup for Brazil and a ‘Superbourse’ for China?

One year ahead of the World Cup, football fever is already gripping Brazil, which has thrashed world champion Spain…

China's Liquidity Crunch

Premier Li Keqiang’s rise to power in March of 2013 has marked a pivotal turn in Chinese…

Chinese Rigor Benefits the Economy but for Soccer It's an Own Goal

In a bizarre coincidence, FIFA has assigned the national Chinese soccer team a ranking analogous to the World Bank’s…

China Development Bank’s financing mechanisms: focus on foreign investments

China Development Bank (CDB) makes use of different methods to promote overseas investments in infrastructure projects, expand its global…

China in the USA’s backyard

It is very early to assess the changes introduced by China’s new leadership, but the perception is that the…

Chinese rating agency Dagong gets EU approval

LONDON, June 7 (Reuters) – Dagong has been given the green light to operate in the European Union, the…

Where is US Policy Pivoting in the Pacific?

Moving the focus of US foreign policy from the Middle East to the Far East is the essence of…

21st Century Dating Tips for Inventors and Investors

Once upon a nigh decade ago my entrepreneurial spams reached a somewhat uncontrollable level and set me off on…

From Malaysia's Uncertainty To Asia-Pacific's Uncertainty. Between China And The Usa

Whether it is a ‘tiger’ or a ‘tiger cub’ economy, it does not really matter: Malaysia is a key…