
How is Market Momentum Altering China’s PE Industry

After a prolonged 15-month suspension, IPOs will finally be resumed as the China Securities Regulation Committee (CSRC)…

Laying the foundations in the Philippines

In the Pacific Ocean’s chessboard, the Philippines are one of numerous flag-bearers, but their location…

The Trojan Pig

Can you buy a pork filet in Virginia and sell it in Hong Kong at a markedly…

Australia: Politics and the Economy

The ambitions of Australia’s foreign policy converge on harmony between history and geography.  This is the meaning…

China’s Excessive foreign exchanges reserves: a bilateral debt redeployment diplomacy to make the most of it.

Abstract. Ten years of vast global imbalances have generated large amounts of foreign exchange reserves (EFRs) in export-driven…

Detroit, Michigan, China

The start of the global financial crisis in 2008 coincided with the loss of GM’s position in…

EU needs better business with China

China’s prominence in global affairs has been on an unstoppable trajectory, and the nation is increasingly in…

Forchielli encore: “the boredom of power and…. “

In the interview with Forchielli published yesterday, I wrote about his excessive number of social media followers…

The track that could lead to the trigger

The military recurrences in eastern Asia signal new tensions instead of celebrating peace.  After more than…

From “three no’s” to “three links” in the Straight of Taiwan

Relations between Taiwan and China haven’t been very friendly for 65 years.  The memories of the civil…