
Let’s adopt the territory, politics’ orphan

Originally published in Italian by Il Sole 24 Ore Increasingly frequent floods expose the territory’s fragility…

Schools and productivity: the German model is the only way

Alberto Forchielli interviewed By Simone Arminio Originally published in Italian on Il Resto del Carlino, 2/19/15

The unbearable weight of ideas

The international community applauds some of Xi Jin Ping’s initiatives, but is fearful of others. Benevolence doesn’t…

When dialogue intensifies differences

In Europe, the “Erasmus Generation” describes those fortunate enough to spend a year studying at a foreign university on…

Moscow learns the art of war

President Xi Jin Ping went to Moscow for his first state visit. In March 2014, the Chinese…

China's Anti-corruption Campaign Should Continue

China’s anti-corruption campaign has been raging for over two years. It began after Xi Jinping became party chairman…

Between two shores of the Pacific

There is a lot of discussion about geo-strategic assets between the two shores of the Pacific—especially the…

The virtual Great Wall

Beijing has decided that the Great Firewall cannot be scaled. The barrier, posed to protect the country,…

After the tragedy in Shanghai, the search for truth is a one-way street

Conducting a social analysis of the tragedy in Shanghai is not easy because emotions still dominate. 36…

GDP obsession strikes everybody

President Xi Jin Ping warned against “an obsession with the GDP.” He believes that growing wealth—which is…