
Beijing’s fog in the skies of the Bahamas

Like persistent bug bites on an elephant’s hard skin, Chinese investments overseas have been marked by failures….

Inequality and the middle class

 At the end of his tour in South America—not European South America like his Argentina, but the…

Building Lasting Peace Between China and the United States

As China rises economically, and as it gradually becomes apparent that China’s rise is unlikely to be…

Green light for Geely and Chinese autos

Sometimes, even the most intelligent mechanisms of globalization trip up. A machine’s lubrication can be hindered by…

Why is Obama pursuing the Trans-Pacific Partnership so doggedly?

It is rare to see coalitions that cross entrenched political lines in the United States’ two-party system;…

Labor & Total Factor Productivity Growth In China

Productivity provides a simple but powerful indicator of a country, sector, or company’s ability to use its…

Will China Rise to Become An Expansionist, Imperialist, Power?

As China rises, and as China stakes territorial claims in East and South China Sea,…

The Bipolar Triangle

Experienced analysts need to remodel their criteria. Or, at the least, there are processes underway in Washington…

The Ship Factory

New interpretations have embellished the battle over the South China Sea; some are fantastical or fruits of…

On Macau Diversification (And Other Fairy Tales)

The recent economic and financial problems in Macau were related to the fact that there is less…