
Chi si ricorda lo sceneggiato “Gamma”? Era la RAI in bianco…

1^ base USA in israele dentro quella della Israeli Air Force di Mashabim per controllare gli sviluppi della Via della Seta Cinese

La base USA è nel deserto del Negev, posto dove c’è il test range dell’aeronautica israeliana ed è vicina…

North Korea represents no threat to the US at all

North Korea missiles are very elementary and can easily be intercepted by US anti-missiles defense forces. When North Korea…

My only and significant difference with Steve Bannon's idea is the one regarding white nationalists

The issue is not so much white versus black or latino as poor and middle class versus the top…

To anyone who believes the war between China and US has not started, please read below

Beidou Navigation System Will Be a Global Navigation System Not Subject to the Control of the US China’s state media…

Was the US Civil War actually fought about slavery?

When I was young I had no doubt the US civil war was fought over slavery: this is…

Chinese citizens in US top Graduate schools of science and engineering: diverging points of view

Universities love to have Chinese students because they typically pay full fare. So US institutions are actually favoring Chinese…

Multinationals never ask what is good for their country, they only care for profits and bonuses

It is absolutely the case that for many so multinationals what Beijing thinks and says is far more important…

Data on US overtaking EU as China's biggest trade partner, is not surprising.

For a long time, China imported a lot from the EU, especially from Germany. This included a lot of…

Tra noi e gli inglesi la differenza più grande la fa la spocchia

Era dal 2013 che i residenti supplicavano l’ente comunale di Kensington-Chelsea di affrontare una volta per tutte il dramma…