Alberto Forchielli

Italy And France, Rivals At The Chinese Grocery Store

China is now the biggest grocery market in the world. According to a report released by the authoritative UK-based…

The Grim View From Germany’s Ivory Tower

In an ironic reversal of fortunes, Germany now finds itself on the defensive, as Berlin’s economic policies faced doubts…

Could The Chinese Confrontation With The Philippines Be About More Than Just A Few Islands?

Explaining away the current tension between China and The Philippines by way of a dispute over maritime law does…

The Chen Guangcheng Episode Is A Victory For CCP Reformers

The Chen Guangcheng affair in Beijing has been dominating the headlines recently, and as a side effect, the US…

Social Media Ushers In A New Era For Chinese Freedom Of The Press

“There are military vehicles everywhere. Chang’an Avenue in Beijing is completely shut down. There are plainclothes police at every…

China’s Arms Embargo: Principle Or Realism?

Should we continue to enforce the arms embargo on China? The debate has been gaining momentum recently among diplomats,…

Siberia, Land Of Opportunity

Once a barren land marked only by political tensions, the endless, sparsely populated frontier between China and Russia is…

Knocking At America’s Back Door: Chinese Investment In The Caribbean

BRICS nations have been calling for a reform of the international monetary system in recent weeks, even proposing a…

Hollywood in Shanghai

The Oscar for movie theater admissions goes to China. According to data released by the Motion Picture Association of…

Technology Tops China's Shopping List

Before he ever reached Beijing, Mario Monti’s mission to Asia had already generated great expectations for its stop in…