Alberto Forchielli

Opening China's Access to the Arctic Council

As with all exclusive clubs, becoming a member takes time. In the end, however, China’s insistence has been rewarded…

How Will the Chinese Dream be Reconciled With America’s?

Only when hunger has been defeated, can aspirations become dreams. A country that has known the deprivations of malnutrition…

Europe’s Unity can be an Example for a Fractured Asia

Considering the results, predictions for the future are easy to make: the 21st century will mark the economic ascension…

Huawei’s Troubles in the US Have Become a Political Case

“We are not interested in the US market anymore,” followed a day later by claims that the statement was…

The Future Of Industrial Chinese Companies Outbound M&A: The Importance Of Local Guanxi

According to Wikipedia, “Guanxi describes the basic dynamic in personalized networks of influence, and is a central idea in…

Beijing Needs to Finish its Healthcare Reforms

In China, “from the cradle to the grave” was not just a slogan, it was a political program. Health…

China Likes John Kerry’s Style, But the Relationship Lacks Chemistry

John Kerry’s first visit to Asia as Secretary of State brought him to the three most important capitals in…

Italy Must Turn a New Page, or Learn to Live With its Mistakes

To the Chinese, Italian politics are completely incomprehensible. Not even the thinkers of the CCP, the Italianists, or the…

Hard Lessons For China's Leadership

Fate is conspiring to make XI Jinping’s job very difficult. Managing China’s internal turmoil is turning out to be…

Did China Take A Bite Out Of A Rotten Apple?

In an ironic lexical revenge, China has set upon its enemies with accusations of arrogance. Long denounced for its…