Alberto Forchielli

China: the U.S. in the race to repatriate manufacturing

Hope and illusion surround the opportunity of bringing manufacturing activities outsourced to China back to the USA. …

MYANMAR – The new asian frontier – 23 October 2013

You are cordially invited to the Conference “Myanmar. The new Asian frontier”. The event will…

How decisive will the third PCC Plenum be?

Growing anticipation for the PCC central committee’s third plenum is palpable.  The tribunal will convene in Beijing…

China: mini economic stimulus, but with careful consumption calibration

The level of complexity achieved by the Chinese economy is reflected in the political double track regarding…

China: reforming the logistics industry is among Beijing’s priorities

Just like electronics, logistics is simultaneously an independent industry and a service for others.  In fact, it…

China will need to reevaluate its current ideas of international politics as the simple sum of markets

China is amused by the apparent resurgence of nationalism in Europe.  It’s not complaining, it uses the…

Australia Elections: China is Life or Ballast?

The upcoming legislative elections in Australia—expected September 7th—view China as one of the principle areas of contention…

China: the metamorphosis of “Made in China,” Beijing outsources textiles

Plagued by overproduction, China searches for the cure to its ailing textile sector in outsourcing.  It finds,…

China: Foreign Multinationals Create Distance

If foreign companies ally themselves with the criticisms, then China is really suffering from an image deficit. …

China: the Marriage with Foreign Multinationals is in Crisis

Like all marriages of interest, the union between China and multinational corporations couldn’t last forever.  Reciprocal conveniences…