Alberto Forchielli

Debating over chronic US trade deficits: origins and consequences

This is the trap and the magic word set up for us “PROTECTIONISM” that kills…

La capacità di sofferenza, che non paga

Alcuni stralci dell’articolo: “La ‘secular stagnation’…

For anyone who is not acquainted with what is going on in the South Pacific and on the Meaning of 1st, 2nd and 3rd island chain, time to learn

According to Stratfor, B-52s’ are not safe in Guam, so much for the 2nd island…

Mandarin sees Chinese future for Italian machinist

Some excerpts of the article: “The Chinese market would value a company like Marval…

Mandarin entra in Marval con il 27%

Il fondo Mandarin Capital entra in Marval, azienda piemontese di nicchia del mercato automotive specializzata nella lavorazione…

Manufacturing reshoring is a lie: someone is paying for its propaganda to counter neo-protectionist motions

Please read the article below. This article below is not entirely wrong,…

Trade and Tribulation

For once, Paul Krugman is right. Protectionism is a much overblown danger. The greater danger is…

To what extent it makes sense opposing China MES status??

Unfortunately he damage is done, we will never be able to rebuild the manufacturing capacity and…

China subsidy and discriminatory policy toward foreign companies was within WTO rules?

Unfortunately, the answer is mostly yes. There are two issues. One is the type of…

My 2 cents on Trade Agreements and the rules of the games

Actually, I think we have to take a deeper look. We tend to attribute problems with…