Alberto Forchielli

Alberto Forchielli: spread signals referendum alarm, “we’re risking the Troika”

Interview, Clinton is hobbled and Trump is a nightmare for the stock market It’s a spread “alarm”, with the differential…

Referendum, allarme spread e rischio troika

Alcuni stralci dell’articolo: “(ANSA) – ROMA, 5 NOV – E’ “allarme” spread,…

Non fanno guerre, comprano i Paesi. "Ecco perché il mondo sarà cinese"

Alcuni stralci dell’articolo: “Alberto Forchielli, economista pirotecnico, elenca le paure di Usa…

"On Duterte’s heels, Malaysia is the next Asian country to embrace China"

My dear Washington DC friend, Clyde Prestowitz sent this article to me and said: “I think…

Innovazione. Emilia-Romagna contro Resto del Mondo: i tortellini non bastano!!

Mi chiedono di inquadrare l’economia dell’Emilia-Romagna confrontandola con l’andamento del mondo globalizzato. Eccomi. In regione facciamo i…

Thailand: open for mourning

The overwhelming majority of Thai seem determined to observe strict mourning for at least thirty days (expiring…

The next American hawk

People, this stuff is big and the Italian press isn’t talking about it— which for some time has become…

The resilience of Chinese young people

In regards to my prediction that the world will become Chinese, which I explained in my recent…

3 most common beliefs among European elites are mostly crap!!

I tend to reject plot theories, in 99% of the cases they are total bullshit!! There…

Tailandia: aperto per lutto

La stragrande maggioranza dei Thailandesi sembra decisa ad osservare il lutto stretto per almeno 30 giorni (scadenza 14…